By making small changes to the way that you travel, we can all make a positive difference to the people and environment in the destination you love to visit, particularly Bali.  



Start enjoying your holiday before you go, your welcome will be warmer if you take an interest and speak a few simple phrases in the local language.


How are you? Apa kabar? (Indonesia) Punapi Gatra? (Balinese) 

Thank you – Terima kasih (Indonesia) Matur Suksma (Balinese) 

See you again - Sampai jumpa lagi 

Good morning - Selamat pagi 

Good afternoon – Selamat siang 

Good evening – Selamat sore 

Good night - Selamat malam 



As well as using water and energy sparingly, please help to reduce waste by using cloth bags instead of plastic, and re-using plastic cups and water bottles.  



Buying locally-made souvenirs, eating and drinking at local bars, cafes and restaurants and taking excursions using local guides are great ways to get more out of your holiday and ensure local people benefit from your stay.  



Dress and act appropriately for the place that you are visiting – do a little background reading before you go away or ask your holiday rep for advice.  



When you buy local souvenirs, always be sure to bargain with good humour and bear in mind that a small cash saving to you could be a significant amount of money to the seller. Please don’t buy products made from endangered or wild animals and plants including coral, shells, starfish, horns, teeth and animal skins and fur. If in doubt, don’t buy.  


DO and DON’T  


DO drink water – Bali is hot all year around and you don’t want to dehydrate.  


DO wear s sarong or long clothing when entering a temple. The Balinese are very serious about their spirituality, so please be respectful and cover up.  


DO haggle in markets and street shops - Humor and a smile can get you a long way, that goes for bargaining too.  


DO take your shoes off when entering a temple or a person’s house. You will know because there will be shoes everywhere outside.  


DO try and avoid walking on the ceremonial offerings in the street. Dogs walk over them, but if you can, and they are everywhere try not to as a mark of respect to these deeply spiritual people.  


DO enjoy the many ceremonies that take place in this spiritual country. This is part of the beauty of real Bali.  DO make sure you have travelled insurance. There are many accidents in the surf, on scooters and from dog bites.  


DON’T take any offer from a porter at the airport who want to help you with your trolley for your luggage, as they expect you to pay for that, it cause you a confusion as you don’t understand the currency.  


DON’T drink tap water, it does not taste good and will certainly give you stomach problem.  


DON’T enter a temple whilst menstruating, also if you have an open wound you shouldn’t enter.  


DON’T touch the head of a Balinese person. The head is considered a sacred part of the body.  


DON’T handover something with your left hand – it is considered impolite, using both hand is ok.  


DON’T touch or point something with your feet – it is considered very offensive.  


DON’T get bit by a monkey or a dog - Monkeys and Dogs might look cute, but they have some serious canine teeth and can be quite nasty. They can also carry rabies, so if you happen to get bit by a monkey or a dog you need to get to a doctor and get a series of rabies shots. It’s important to do this right away before any signs of illness because once symptoms of infection appear, rabies is reported to be 100% fatal.